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Bird Protection Society of Kiskunság

This site is owned by the Bird Protection Society of Kiskunság (KME) a non-profit organization that has been working for more than twenty years mapping the migratory and wintering areas of the Moustached Warbler population of the Carpathian Basin as accurately as possible. The work is based on research at the Kolon Lake Ornithological Station. In the past 20  years, professionals involved in voluntary social work have been moving further and further south along the identified Balkan migration routes among countries like Croatia, the Republic of Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Greece, Italy, and in 2024 as a new research area - Tunesia.
  • Madárvárta Kolon tó, Hungary

Bird Protection Society of Kiskunság (KME) Matyó dűlő 64., H- 6070 Izsák, Hungary Identifier: 399002016 Tax number: 18360701-1-03 E-mail: Phone: +36 70 326 4758 Website: facebook: